G20 Working Group Action areas

Organized under five Action Areas, the Roadmap aims to galvanize targeted actions by G20 countries, as well as international financial institutions, capital market actors and international organizations, to integrate risk reduction measures into financing and policy decisions.

The Roadmap focuses on five high-impact Action Areas for disaster risk reduction: 1) Universal Coverage or Early Warning Systems, 2) Disaster and Climate Resilient Infrastructure, 3) Financing Frameworks for DRR, 4) Disaster Recovery, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction, and 5) Nature-Based Solutions and Ecosystem-Based Approaches for DRR.

Actions and objectives will be updated as the Group's work advances under each G20 Presidency. The Roadmap is a key contribution by G20 countries to the implementation of the calls to action in the Political Declaration of the UNGA High-Level Meeting on the Midterm Review of the Sendai Framework.

Action Area 1

Action Area 1: Global Coverage of Early Warning Systems 

Early warning systems can help minimize the harm to people, assets, and livelihoods by triggering early and anticipatory action. As of 2022, only fifty per cent of countries are protected by multi-hazard early warning systems. In March 2022, the UN Secretary-General launched the Early Warnings for All initiative which aims to ensure every person on Earth is protected by early warning systems by the end of 2027. It estimated that achieving universal early warning coverage will require investments of at least $3.1 billion over the next five years. The DRRWG will contribute to this aim with a focus on strengthening the role of G20 countries as leaders in knowledge sharing, technology and capacity support, and advocates for financing and resources for early warning systems.


1.1: Develop an input paper on strengthening multi hazard early warning systems (REAP, RIMES, UNESCAP, UNDRR, WFP, WMO)

1.2: Develop and disseminate a compendium of good practices on multi-hazard end-to-end early warning systems including examples of fit-for-purpose and fit-for-budget business models that lead to early action and anticipatory approaches (RIMES, UNESCAP, UNDRR, WMO)

1.3: Develop a white paper and organize consultations on the creation of a digital platform for knowledge sharing across the four pillars of early warning systems and initiate the creation of a digital platform (CREWS, REAP, UNESCAP, UNDRR, WMO)

1.4: Conduct an in-depth analysis of the financial and technological requirements across the four pillars of early warning systems to provide universal coverage and develop a framework to engage with and mobilise public and private investments to ensure availability of pre-arranged finance and resources for early actions. (UNDRR, REAP, CREWS, WMO, UNESCAP)

1.5 Promote international, regional, and sub-regional cooperation and foster collaboration for knowledge sharing and capacity development on effective multi-hazard early warning systems that lead to early and anticipatory action. (CREWS, UNDRR, REAP, UNESCAP, WMO)

Action Area 2

Action Area 2: Disaster and Climate Resilient Infrastructure 

Taking note of the G20 Principles for Quality Infrastructure Investment, robust and resilient infrastructure can save lives and livelihoods, safeguard development gains and is a key driver of economic growth. The G20 DRRWG will promote a common understanding and mainstreaming of risks, standards, resilience principles and approaches to guide planning, governance and scaling up of resilient, sustainable, inclusive, and quality infrastructure systems, investments and development assistance programmes. The Working Group will focus on facilitating the exchange of good practices, capacity building, technical expertise and collaborative research, inclusive of nature-based solutions and ecosystem-based approaches in developing countries including LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS.


2.1: Develop a compendium of good practices on disaster resilient infrastructure and build an inventory of infrastructure risk assessment tools (CDRI)

2.2: Prepare a Report on resilient infrastructure principles and indicators to inform the Quality Infrastructure (QII) principles and other relevant frameworks on climate and disaster resilient infrastructure (CDRI)

2.3: Promote common understanding and approaches between the public and private sectors and facilitate the exchange of good practices, technical expertise, and collaborative research on infrastructure resilience to foster compatibility, interoperability, and connectivity between sectors and across borders among G20 members and other countries (CDRI, UNDRR)

2.4: Reviewing existing legislative and regulatory frameworks for risk-informed and resilient infrastructure systems and promote the incorporation of DRR into infrastructure regulatory frameworks, financing strategies, appraisal mechanisms and decision-making by developing a methodology for the same (CDRI, UNDRR, OECD)

2.5: Produce an annual white paper on the state of global resilient infrastructure, challenges and progress made (CDRI, UNDP, UNDRR)

2.6: Develop and implement a guidance note for stress testing and assessing the resilience of interconnected critical infrastructure systems (CDRI, UNDRR)

2.7: Develop and implement metrics to measure and price risks in public and private sector infrastructure investments (CDRI)


Action Area 3

Action Area 3: Financing Strategies for Disaster Risk Reduction 

There has been a chronic underinvestment in disaster risk reduction over several decades. As a result, the impacts of disasters have become a systemic financial There has been an underinvestment in DRR over several decades. Consequently, the impact of disasters has become a systemic financial risk with macroeconomic implications. There is an urgent need for a new approach to financing DRR and de-risk investments. The DRRWG’s actions in this area aim to ensure that G20 countries have robust national financing frameworks for DRR and support developing countries including LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS to do the same. Actions will also focus on strengthening collaboration with the private sector, capital market actors, credit ratings agencies and international financing institutions to accelerate work to de-risk investments in all sectors and better integration of DRR int the policy and practice.


3.1: Develop an input paper on financing disaster risk reduction, preparedness, relief, early recovery and reconstruction (ADB)

3.2: Develop an inventory of financing tools for DRR, including good practices on legal, administrative, and regulatory measures and opportunities for risk-informed public and private sector expenditure and investment (ADB, InsuResilience, UNDRR, World Bank, OECD)

3.3: Produce a guidance note on leveraging Integrated National Financing Frameworks for DRR and support its implementation in developing countries (UNDESA, UNDP, UNDRR)

3.4 Generate evidence about the benefits of investments in DRR measures, including through tagging and tracking, and explore the viability of a global facility for de-risking in the financial system (UNDRR)

3.5 Develop and promote an assessment tool to analyse and quantify the economic impacts of disasters (ADB, CDRI, UNDP, UNDRR, World Bank)

3.6: Collaborate with capital market to develop and implement a set of principles and a guidance document to facilitate the integration of DRR within capital market institutions (UNDRR, OECD)

3.7: Advocate for the further integration of DRR into bilateral and multilateral processes; for improved access to finance for developing countries, including LDCs, LLDCs, and SIDS (ADB, UNDESA, UNDP, UNDRR, World Bank, OECD)

3.8: Explore and generate evidence for inclusive and innovative financing tools for DRR including but not limited to resilience bonds, green bonds, risk pooling funds, other market-based tools, and pre-arranged financing (ADB, UNDESA, UNDP, UNDRR, World Bank)

3.9: Increase and strengthen international cooperation and partnerships, for sustainable financing mechanisms, to ensure effective disaster risk management (UNDRR, OECD, CDRI)

Action Area 4

Action Area 4: Disaster Recovery, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction 

In the midst of disaster’s loss and destruction, recovery and rehabilitation offer transformative opportunities. By implementing recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction policies and measures following the build back better principles of the SFDRR, the socio-economic risk drivers will be addressed, and the vulnerability and exposure of the effected community will be reduced. The DRRWG will strive to strengthen national policy architectures and financial mechanisms for recovery rehabilitation and reconstruction and promote resilience for present and future generations.nt and future generations.


4.1: Background and Input paper on build back better (IRP)

4.2: Develop a compendium on global good practices on shock responsive social protection system (UNICEF)

4.3 Develop knowledge and training products on disaster resilient recovery

4.4: Leverage and formalise the mechanism to use platforms, like the Prevention Web/ International Recovery Platform and DRI connect by CDRI, for effective sharing of knowledge and good practices on response, recovery, and rehabilitation by the G20 member countries (CDRI, IRP, UNDRR)

4.5: Promote national and global disaster recovery,rehabilitation,and reconstruction policies and systems that are equipped to address the challenges posed by the increasing frequency and intensity, and scale of disasters (climate-related disasters, and geophysical) (ADB, IRP, UNDP UNDRR, World Bank)

Action Area 5

Action Area 5: Nature-based Solutions and Ecosystems-based Approaches for Disaster Risk Reduction  

Cost-efficient, effective, and scalable, ecosystem-based approaches can help governments and communities address the growing and interconnected challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss, increased frequency of extreme weather and natural hazards as well as other human-made environmental disasters. The Working Group will promote actions that enable G20 countries and support developing countries to scale up ecosystem-based approached and nature-based solutions for DRR, with a focus on enhancing financing for investment.  


5.1: Develop an input paper and a compendium of good practices on benefits of Eco-DRR (FAO, PEDRR, UNEP, UNDRR, UNOPS)

5.2: Develop a policy paper on the role, value and effects of ecosystem-based approaches and their potential for DRR (CDRI, FAO, OECD, PEDRR, UNEP, UNDRR)

5.3: Develop metrics for measuring financing and investments in Eco-DRR to increase the visibility of such investments and associated benefits (FAO, ILO, PEDDR, UNDRR)

5.4: Explore opportunities for innovative funding mechanisms within the G20 to support the implementation and scale-up nature-based solutions and of ecosystem-based approaches to DRR (UNDRR, OECD)

Action Area - New

Addressing Inequalities and Reducing Vulnerabilities

Combating inequalities is fundamental to effective action to reduce disaster risks with a priority focus on the most vulnerable people and communities.

The G20 DRRWG will strive to identify good community organization practices that can provide input to reduce vulnerabilities and strengthen local resilience mechanisms.

In this sense, actions must also be aimed at the relevance of information and education processes for the population to reduce disaster risk, to strengthen a culture of prevention, as well as contributing to the definition of guidelines that qualify communication processes and social mobilization for community resilience.

Furthermore, it will support international, regional, and sub-regional technical assistance cooperation to improve resilient urban-environmental quality adapted to climate change in the most vulnerable locations.

Expected results and products

  • Develop a compendium of good practices for community organization of vulnerable populations on the topics of risk mapping, monitoring of critical areas for preparation and response in disaster situations, and structural and non-structural actions that result in the systematization of methodologies that support community organization of vulnerable populations to improve resilient urban-environmental quality and adapted to climate change.
  • Include in a digital platform for sharing knowledge the compendium of good practices for community organization of vulnerable populations to improve resilient urban-environmental quality and adapted to climate change.
  • Develop a guide with guidelines for producing informative and educational material on disaster risk aimed at vulnerable populations.
  • Promote international, regional, and sub-regional cooperation to build technical assistance mechanisms for developing countries, together with appropriate international organizations, with an emphasis on adaptation projects in vulnerable areas.

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